What is pain?
Does it even exist?
Which is worse physical pain or mental anguish?
Why is pain a source of sympathy and concern?
Why is it considered a part of the dark side of life?
Is pain different for different people in the same and in different situations?
Who defined pain?
What is intense pain?
Is the most extreme form of pain the numbness you reach after a point or is it in the moments of climax when you’re in the throes of agony when every pin prick feels like a bullet puncture?
Is the pain over and gone once the numbness has been reached or is that beginning of a new crescendo? Or is it then just an essence of what was?
Once hurt can one ever be completely free of pain?
Is it normal to feel pain in the deep recesses of your mind once the hurt has healed?
Is it abnormal to feel it?
If it is normal, why do humans always try to cleanse away their pain?
If every lesson in life is meant to be learnt and we must carry with us their essence, why do humans make the futile efforts of trying to get rid of the dull throb?
Is pain a constant?
Is happiness a constant?
If happiness isn’t a constant and pain isn’t a constant and each lesson in happiness leaves its mark then why shouldn’t each lesson in pain leave its mark?
Is the mark necessarily a wound or is it just an honest acknowledgement of the lesson, the moment?
If the chaos theory is true and I believe it is, then in every moment of joy there is sadness, sedateness, thoughtfulness, euphoria, pain, understanding, confusion and every moment of pain there is joy, euphoria, sadness, sedateness, thoughtfulness, understanding, confusion. Then does pain in isolation as a feeling exist?
Does happiness in isolation as a feeling exist?
Then what is the big deal about having either?
What is the big deal about having neither?
Isn’t it all a part of existence? Your existence, my existence, everyone’s existence, anyone’s existence?
The cycle of pain, happiness, joy, sorrow that you or I go through today, won’t everyone else go through it at one point or the other?
What is the big deal about feelings if they are so enmeshed and so much a part of our everyday lives?
When it comes to living, why is acceptance the hardest for any human being in spite of knowing the truth?
Why am I asking all these questions?