Sunday, 29 July 2007
Chaos. A mad rush. Lists. Plenty of lists. Lines scratched out, lines erased, lines replaced. People to meet, people to call. Dissertation mania. Pages to be read, pages to be sorted, pages to be typed. Panic, exaustion, dread. And repeated again. An almost gnawing worry, a mind in constant turmoil. Questions to be answered, solutions to be found, comfort to be given, friends falling apart, friends to reassure, things to make up for, in reverance and devotion, love to those most important. Stretched at a hundred places at once. Undoing. Unmanageable. Daunting. Choked. A range of feelings extremely familiar. The familiarity infuriating. Deep breaths unhelpful. Patience weaning...reaching zeniths almost unacceptable feeling this. Water. Splashing the face hard as often, as mercilessly as possible. A desperate scramble for it deserved...or is this self pity...
And suddenly warmth from old wrinkled hands, soft and rough on the face at the same time. Crinkled eyes, black and beaded but glowing with love unquestioned...warm in her embrace, enconced from the world...a relief expressed in drying tears on her bossom. A strength to carry on blazed from her frail yet unbeatable spirit.
Granny in absolute ingnorance and innocence with a single smile and hug made it all do-able and I echoed her whispered words, "I love you too Pati".
So easily its a new dawn.
Posted by Pavitra ::
08:44 ::
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