
Monday 20 August 2007

Tears in Heaven

I sit hugging my knees close to my body...rubbing my palms over my arms in an unconscious attempt to ward off the slight chill in the air. Staring out the window far unto a dark and starless sky, I watch as it begins to drizzle and then gradually to pour. While they stream down, the tears in heaven, in solitude...I wasn't alone. My companion...a reiteration of my earliest recollections of those words wise once told to me to raise my spirits...words that I seem to remember and have known forever...words that have proved themselves right with an unmatched consistency...words that have mirrored one of life's simplest, hardest and fairest truths...words that I would have loved to have defeated...words that aren't just words...but a mantra...a way of life...a moral code...a verite'...words that seem to have a life of their own...not painful...but true...thus, painfully true.

'Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone'

Seemingly innocent words...
They sing along with the tears in heaven...

Posted by Pavitra :: 15:36 :: 18 comments

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